Lessons for Business Owners From a Christian Business Coach

As we head towards the end of the year and begin to think of the new one, I began to reflect. I have asked myself, what lessons did I learn this year? What are lessons God put me through? When I began to go through the answers, I knew these are lessons all business owners need to learn. So here are five lessons to learn:

  1. It gets hard before it gets easy

Even though we have all heard that it gets hard before it gets easy, sometimes we need to hear it 101 and times before we understand. It became hard when I had to start all over again this year with clients. I questioned my abilities, my work and skills when I began from scratch – thinking, why? The answer – I needed to go through the valleys to get to the mountains. You got to just keep pushing, believe in your vision and yourself.

  • Confidence comes after action, not before

The biggest misperception of confidence is that you got to build it up before doing something. I disagree. Confidence comes from experience, doing, going through what terrified you and getting through it. If you going to tell yourself that you will phone that client, do a webinar, write a blog after you have gained some confidence, I am sorry to say, you going to be waiting along time for that confidence. No matter what we do, we learn from it, therefore building confidence to do better every time.

  • Failure becomes part of the plan

Failure is not a bad thing. It teaches us. Through this year I had lots of “failures” but I truly can say that I have learnt so much from those moments and know how to do better next time. I would rather “fail” than not try. You are allowed to fail. You are allowed to try again. It’s all about your attitude towards these moments, always asking yourself, “what was God teaching me?”

  • Temptations and Triggers will occur

As you grow in your business, it will become sometimes hard and blurry to not be triggered, especially as a Christian. Be armoured for what could occur. Having your values and scriptures written and close to you, will be key to these moments. Remember, your business is God-Led, therefore others around you should know you are as business owner of faith. Of course, when they know this, they will try to tempt you. Get you thinking like everyone else. Remember whose you are.

  • Gods timing is always on time

You don’t get to control when you will get your breakthrough. If anything this year has taught me, God is in control, and His time, is always on time! When I thought I was going through my roughest period, thinking my prayers aren’t being heard, He had His plan and His time, and it came on time. Remember, to stay in the present, work hard and leave the rest to Him. Trust the timing. The sooner we begin to accept and trust His time, the sooner it will be in our favour. I know in todays business world, everyone wants instant gratification. Take yourself out of that.

As a Christian Business Coach, I have learnt, it doesn’t get easier as you grow your business. You just become stronger and smarter. You begin to see things more clearly, knowing when something is part of Gods plan, there’s no resistance. When it’s not part of His plan – you got to force it. It’s important to understand, we as business owners, are constantly going through battles and distractions. However, think about where you were the year before, and the year before that… when I think about it that way, I have sooo many lessons I have learnt and grown from.

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